Favorite Fall Outfit


Hi guys !
Leather Weather , Where are you !? I am writing this on November 8th and it’s 11°C outside right now! Actually I don't love cold weather so i’m kind of glad it still feels nice outside but I am ready to wear my fall clothes espacially my leather jacket from Zara and my Denim jeans my favourite sweater and always with my watch from Daniel Willlngton I can't take off my watch in any place you will found it on my hand . I have a funny story with it , me and my friend both we have the same watch once a time I forget where I puted mine and I wear her watch by fault so she keeps searching for it about 2 weeks hahaha I know it's not a funny story like as I told you at first but it's still a story when I remember it I start laughing all the time .
Hope you guys are all having a great week !
NOTICE : Sorry about the quality of pictures my camera is broken and I still don't have the time to fix it .

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