My night routine for summer


What's up ? I hope you are doing well , I am so happy because today is the last day at school and I will try to take care of my blog as possible as I can . As you know summer is here and my vacation will start , so taking care of my skin is the first thing I think about and I started a new night routine hope you enjoy reading <3 br="">

  1-Body exfoliation :

After taking a shower , I use my 1000 grain body exfliator from Decléor Paris made of GRAPEFRUIT essential oil , it really exfoliates , smoothes , softens the skin . You have to apply it on dry skin : First, begin by making small circles with both hands on the stomach, and then extend the movement to include in back. Second, place your hands in a V shape on the navel , move them up to chest and then down each side . Third, make small circles from the wrists to the shoulders, focusing on the elbows . Finally, finish with legs focusing on the knees and heels then rinse .

 2-Cleansing :

White Objective H2O from Bioderma is a lightening non-rinse cleanser it respect the most sensitive skin like mine . Soak a cotton pad then cleanse your whole face , repeat the application until the cotton pad remains clean and dab delicately to dry your skin. You can use it morning or evening as you like !

3-Put a mask : 

Backing again to Decléor Paris , I love so much their flash radiance mask also it's so fast you leave it on your face just for 3 minutes then you will see the magic your face will glow but you need to apply it on a cleansed face don't forget that, that's why I use my Bioderma cleanser before puting my mask and after that rinse your face also try to avoid the eye area .

I hope you like my night routine if you really did comment down below and tell me about yours and the products you use . 


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10 commentaires

  1. que des bons produits ! bonne soirée ma belle <3

  2. Really nice routine, thank's for sharing, kiss

    1. I am so happy that you like it ! Thank you so much for your comment <3

  3. Tous ces produits ont l'air top!

  4. Hey,
    Perfect routine ahah, thanks for sharing
    Have a nice day :)

  5. Merci à toi pour ce partage de routine, je ne connaissais pas les produits, c'est top de faire des découvertes :)

    1. Oui tu as raison ! Ces produits ont l'air vraiment top :D


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