one pan cookie recipe


Hello !

Here we are guys I missed you so much it has been a long time.. And finally I am come back with a new recipe of one pan cookie I baked it yesterday . As you know I am such a lover of chocolat chips and the flavor she gives to the cake I just can't forget it really it was so yummy and delicious that's why I will write for you the recipe so you can try it and enjoy the perfect taste don't forget to comment down below if you like it !

Ingredients :

-170 grams of flour .
-140 grams of brown sugar .
-120 grams of butter .
-150 grams of chocolat chips .
-1 teaspoon of baking powder .
-1 egg .

Steps :

- It's so easy put the melted butter on a bol with brown sugar , the egg and mixed together than add the flour , the baking powder and last but not least the chocolat chips and mixed very well .
- Bake it at 180 degrees for 20 minutes .

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4 commentaires

  1. Salut cookie merveilleux, tu as l'air très bon !

    Bonne journée ma beauté.


  2. J’espère que la recette te plaira!

    Bonne journée ma belle <3

  3. Coucou !
    Cette recette m'a l'air vraiment délicieuse ! Merci pour la découverte <3
    Bisous, Clarisse

  4. Je suis très heureuse que la recette t'a plu <3
    Gros bisous.


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